The Selfie-wall #1
This is the first mock-up of a selfie-wall.
Well, with Leeuwarden and the Province of Friesland being the Cultural Capital of Europe in 2018, the idea was to place a fountain in each of the eleven cities of the Province. Well, 10 out the 11 cities have a fountain by now, except Dokkum.
Here, we will get the "Ice-fountain". A project ahead of the time.
Instead of water pouring out, it will produce ice in due time.
Anyway, as our province is ranked three on " Lonely Planet" we get the world of tourists.
Of course, we are the only one city without a fountain as yet.
As long as the fountain is not placed, vistors can take a selfie at the selfie-wall at our local museum. That is the
The ice-fountain is a design of Birthe Leemeijer, Haarlem, The Netherlands.